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Workable integration

Everything you need to know to get started with Workable

Philip Spain avatar
Written by Philip Spain
Updated over a year ago

Getting setup

To integrate with Workable we just need you to send us:

Once you provide us with your API key, behind the scenes we’ll set up all the necessary integration points so that data will be synchronised between Workable and Evidenced.

Importing your Workable users

We don’t automatically import all of your users by default. We need to confirm which users you’d like us to set up in your Evidenced organisation. Once confirmed we will import those users and send them invitations to confirm their new accounts.

Importing your candidates

Candidates are automatically added in Evidenced once the candidate moves into any of the following stages in Workable: Shortlisted, Assessment, Phone Screen, Interview, or Offer. Existing candidates that are currently in-progress through a role will only be added when moved to one of those stages.

Candidates are automatically archived in Evidenced shortly after they are marked as hired or disqualified in Workable.

Submitting decisions

When an interviewer submits a decision in Evidenced, we will send this along with any accompanying feedback to Workable automatically against the candidate’s current stage in Workable.

Important notes on submitting decisions

> Decisions are added to the current stage in Workable.

Due to limitations in the Workable API, decisions can only be submitted against the candidate’s current stage. This means that when a candidate is moved to the next stage in Workable before a decision is submitted in Evidenced, if the interviewer subsequently submits a decision it will be added to the new stage.

For example:

  1. Candidate participates in a Phone screen interview (performed in Evidenced) with Interviewer A.

  2. The interview goes well and the candidate is moved to the next stage e.g. Technical interview in Workable.

  3. Interviewer A submits their decision in Evidenced for the Phone screen interview

  4. The decision is incorrectly added to the Technical interview stage in Workable.

To avoid this happening, ensure that all decisions are submitted in Evidenced before moving the candidate to the next stage in Workable.

> Only one decision per stage

It’s only possible for an interviewer to add one decision per stage in Workable. If an interviewer were to submit their decision in Workable directly and then attempt to submit it through Evidenced, Workable would reject it. If your interviewers only submit decisions through Evidenced this issue should never be encountered.

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